The Adventurous Six & Grandma Lucy

Come, enjoy the adventures of Grandma Lucy with the six adventurers as they visit different magical places and experience pleasure and pain, fear and fun…Explore orchards where golden apples and diamonds grow on trees , the place where the ‘Littlings’ live and so much more!


         “And what about Alysha?” Lucy asked worriedly.

          “She is in more serious trouble as Cruelty, the horribly cruel, one-eyed giantess has imprisoned her and another boy of her age. She may eat them any time.”


“Hey, grandma!” Mirna shouted. There was no answer.

         “Grandma Lucy,” shouted both the children together but there was still no reply.

          As they got closer, the two realized Lucy was not moving at all. Her hand seemed stuck to a branch of the tree. Now they were very near and they could see that Lucy’s forefinger and thumb were stuck to a pretzel she had been trying to pluck and seemed to be melting into it. In fact, part of her finger and thumb had already dissolved into the pretzel. She was unable to move or speak.


 “I am Shortman,” he introduced himself to Pasha, “Commander Midget’s secretary. She told me about your request and instructed me to give my report on the other prisoners.” He opened the door with a remote-control device he held in his hand. As they entered, he introduced himself to the others as well.

         “She killed my grandson so don’t you ever think we are going to work for you or your rotten boss,” Lucy was furious but controlled herself and did not attack him as she knew Pasha had been right and they needed to study the way they worked.





The Adventurous Six & Grandma Lucy

By Deepi
Others Books